I must be one of the luckiest people alive and these days that isn't easy: because all across our fantastic plantet, "the most dangerous animal in the world" continues to kill his brother and his "mother" and anyone else who gets in the way of his maniacal urgency for that paper picture of some incredibly generous monarch or extra cheerful dictator on each side. You know, the paper that you think if you had piles of it you'd be really happy, yet it destroys so many, the paper which some people have so much of that they don't even know how much they got (I think thay call thoses poeple adnan!). Don't get me wrong, currency is a necessary and useful thing when used properly, when it's used to feed children and starving people, save what little rainforest there is, not just Brazil, but across the globe, protect and respect the wondrous creatures we should share the space with, when it's in the hands of organisations which fight political muscle and expose corrupt individuals. You see, we can't win and reclaim the morals and values which have been lost in the hands of greedy fools unless we play them at their own game: a poor man could never help a poor man (whatever happened to Robin Hood). I bet if we all gave Greenpeace, Oxfam and Friends of the Earth the money that we give to the government in tax each year, which they use for charming buffet lunches with equally useless puppets from some other country to talk about a "manifesto", the situation would certainly "manifest" itself.
We must finance the people who are going to try and save the world, not sell arms and weapons to starving, dying people so they can die a bit quicker. What's the idea? Population, our biggest problem, will be contro9lled when all the "little" unimportant people in the "Third World" (nice way of saying "shithole" and not being part of it) are dead. It's got ot be a piss take hasn't it? no. The answer to all of our problems is for us not to be the wasteful, ignorant people we can often be. (I know, it's not our fault, we were told it was a pinnacle of achievement to be that) but show compassion and righteoussness by wiping senseless foreign debts which not only cause the death of people but the whole planet because theses countries then have to raise cash in any way they can to pay and invariably that means chopping down trees, beautiful majestic trees, which are the life giver of the earth, helping the process which gives us life, creating shade, softening buildings and urban environments, de-stressing everyone from the rigours of living today, one tree containing more spirit than a thousand humans.
If only people had been given a real higher education, then we might understand the fringes of the laws of karma. Natural law, what goes around comes around: Columbus might have reached South America and taken all the gold and made slaves of the Indians, but look what they gave him and his boys (us), which is only just getting a grip now but it's here and it's picking off the weak and unfortunate, rich, useless and bored. Work it out. It seems to be time for the big payback. Natural law. Try and read a book one day, everyone's got it.
At the rate we're going we've got 10 years to turn this world's head around. I can only thinki of the worst if we don't. But somehow inside I know we can. I for one have faith in people like you. Know which side you're standing on, don't let people tell you you're wrong when you know you're right. If you do, we may all regret it, because it will be all over. I thin k it's time we had a revolution...
This was written in 1993, in the album Emergency on Planet Earth. We are now almost in 2006, nothing's changed.
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